Author Archives: Sobeyda Arias

Classification Essay

Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism are economic systems used throughout many countries. Capitalism, Socialism, Communism have been debated throughout political history. Capitalism economic system involves trade and industry are controlled by private owners. Capitalism also has little to no government regulations. Socialism is the opposite. Socialism involves the means of production being owned by the community. Communism is a more extreme Socialism. Communism is the elimination of private property and equality for all. The government has complete ownership of everyone and “their properties”. Compared to Capitalism, Communism has much more government regulations. While Socialism has government regulations but not as extreme as Communism. Capitalism and Socialism are ideologies used to lead nations into economic prosperity. 

Capitalism is one of the most used economic systems in the world. Capitalism is also known as “Free Market Economy” or “Free Enterprise Economy”. In 1776, Adam Smith laid out the principles of capitalism. Adam Smith believed in “The Invisible Hand”. “The Invisible Hand” prompts competition, supply and demand, and self-interest. Laissez-faire is also another word to describe capitalism. Laissez-faire means letting things take its own course without interference. Capitalism is about an individual owning their labor without government regulation. However, a nation who’s completely capitalist can lead to problems. Capitalism has little government regulations which can lead to monopolies. Monopolies are large corporations which buy smaller corporations and eliminate competition. This happens due to the lack of  government regulations. Capitalism also doesn’t promote equality of opportunity. Distribution of wealth isn’t equal. It isn’t equal because only the top 1% benefits. Aslo, inequality limits diversity. Despite these factors, many countries still use Capitalism. An example of this is Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of the most capitalist countries in the world. Their economy depends on trade, and so companies take advantage of this. Due to this, many companies make their wealth. A politician who is considered a capitalist is Barack Obama. Barack Obama stated “the world is more prosperous than ever before and yet our societies are marked by uncertainty and unease… it is important to remember that capitalism has been the greatest driver of prosperity and opportunity the world has ever seen”. Obama believes capitalism is the solution for the US economy to prosperity. Capitalism is what makes the US be the land of the free. Individuals are able to obtain their own wealth and prosper. Capitalism is fundamental to a society but can also have its drawbacks.

Socialism is the economic system which involves ownership by the community. Socialism focuses on the community rather than the individual interest. The community owns the means of production and distribution of goods. The idea of Socialism dates back to ancient Greek times. Famous philosopher, Plato, discussed a society which worked as a collective. He believed working as one can lead society into prosperity. In 1848, Karl Marx became the most influential theorist of Socialism. In The Communist Manifesto, he discussed how workers suffered under capitalism. He pitted workers of production because they didn’t belong to themselves. All the workers did was work for minimum wage and others got rich. Marx also believed a man should become one with the world. Socialism allows individuals to own property. However, industrial productions are managed by chosen elected governments. Socialism is also a more flexible ideology. As of 2019, no country is precisely considered to be Socilaist. However, politician Berine Sanders is considered a Democratic Socialist. As a Democratic Socialist, he believes in universal healthcare. He believes in taxing the rich more, in order to distribute wealth. He also believes in breaking apart corrupt large corporations. He believes in cancelling student and medical debt. However, Socialism can slow down the economy. It slows down the economy because there is a lack of competition. Also, many people would lose personal profits. Socialism is an ideology which represents equality. However, Socialism requires personal sacrifice. 

Communism revolves around the idea of communal control. This is similar to Socialism but just more extreme. A Communist economy thrives through the ownership of businesses controlled governments. Communism was founded by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engles. The purpose of Communism is to eliminate Capitalism. They believed Capitalism was the  exploitation of workers. They believed Capitalism would be removed through violence and revolutions. Compared to Socialism, Socialism is more peaceful and less radical. Private ownership would be completely abolished. Countries like China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam are communist countries. Governments have full control about what happens to money flow. In many of these countries it is very hard to live in. It’s very hard because the people are in poverty. The money flow is very slow due to the lack of competition. Everyone is treated “equally”. The government is very strict and the people have little rights. Compared to Capitalism and Socialism, individual rights mean nothing. An example of a Communist leader is Kim Jong-un. He is the current leader of North Korea. He is a dictator who practices Communism. He preaches about equality but his people are suffering. Due to this economic system, the country faces famine. North Koreans are closed out from the world and have no rights. The government controls everything they do (from the way they dress and look etc). Communism is a system used to control people but the economy suffers. 

On the economic spectrum, there are three categories. On the left spectrum, lays Communism, which involves complete government control. In the center lays Social Democracy/Socialism, which involves some government regulations. Capitalism, on the right side, involves little to no government regulations. Both Socialism and Capitalism have government some government regulations. In a Capitalist world, a lot of competition exists. But in a Socilaist and Communist society, competition doesn’t exist. Capitalism encourages individual rights. Socialism encourages rights of a community. Communism doesn’t encourage rights.  Both believe in labor and capital (money) keeps the economy flowing. Socialism and Capitalism have social classes. Communism eliminates social classes because everyone is “equal”. However, in a Socilaist society, the classes don’t oppress each other. Socialism would require high taxes and the economy would run slow, for awhile. Capitalism depends on the law of supply and demand. Under Socialism and Communism, poverty would be eliminated. Communis focuses more on the government and the community than individual wants. Socialism grants the government more power than Capitalist society. Capitalism grants their citizens more power than the government. Socialism is a balance of Capitalism and Communism. Communism involves the government making economic decisions. But Capitalism relies on individuals making economic decisions for themselves. Socialism, Capitalism, Communism have similarities and differences which help their perspective economy. 

Capitalism is about ownership and competition. Socialism is about community interest and ownership by the government. Communism is complete ownership of everything.  Capitalism is about competition, self interest, and little government regulation. Capitalism creates a huge gap between social classes. However, it gives citizens the freedom to create their own business. They are also entitled to their own profit. On the other hand, Socialism is the opposite. Socialism equality and government regulation. Socialism tries to eliminate the gaps between social classes. Communism is similar to Socialism but it’s more extreme. Communism was created in order to eliminate Capitalism. Communism is about “equality” for all and no differences. Despite these differences, Socialism, Communsim, and Capitalism share similarities. The end goal is to have a prosperous economy. Each use different tactics but each can work if done correctly. The economic system is very complex but when done correctly, prosperity thrives. 

Comparison/Contrast Essay

Capitalism and Socialism are both economic systems used throughout many countries. Capitalism and Socialism have been debated throughout political history. Capitalism economic system involves trade and industry are controlled by private owners. Capitalism also has little to no government regulations. On the other hand, Socialism is the opposite. Socialism involves the means of production being owned by the community. Compared to Capitalism, Socialism has much more government regulations. Capitalism and Socialism are ideologies used to lead nations into economic prosperity. 

Capitalism is one of the most used economic systems in the world. Capitalism is also known as “Free Market Economy” or “Free Enterprise Economy”. In 1776, Adam Smith laid out the principles of capitalism. Adam Smith believed in “The Invisible Hand”. “The Invisible Hand” prompts competition, supply and demand, and self-interest. Laissez-faire is also another word to describe capitalism. Laissez-faire means letting things take its own course without interference. Capitalism is about an individual owning their labor without government regulation. However, a nation who’s completely capitalist can lead to problems. Capitalism has little government regulations which can lead to monopolies. Monopolies are large corporations which buy smaller corporations and eliminate competition. This happens due to the lack of  government regulations. Capitalism also doesn’t promote equality of opportunity. Distribution of wealth isn’t equal. It isn’t equal because only the top 1% benefits. Aslo, inequality limits diversity. Despite these factors, many countries still use Capitalism. An example of this is Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of the most capitalist countries in the world. Their economy depends on trade, and so companies take advantage of this. Due to this, many companies make their wealth. A politician who is considered a capitalist is Barack Obama. Barack Obama stated “the world is more prosperous than ever before and yet our societies are marked by uncertainty and unease… it is important to remember that capitalism has been the greatest driver of prosperity and opportunity the world has ever seen”. Obama believes capitalism is the solution for the US economy to prosperity. Capitalism is what makes the US be the land of the free. Individuals are able to obtain their own wealth and prosper. Capitalism is fundamental to a society but can also have its drawbacks.

Socialism is the economic system which involves ownership by the community. Socialism focuses on the community rather than the individual interest. The community owns the means of production and distribution of goods. The idea of Socialism dates back to ancient Greek times. Famous philosopher, Plato, discussed a society which worked as a collective. He believed working as one can lead society into prosperity. In 1848, Karl Marx became the most influential theorist of Socialism. In The Communist Manifesto, he discussed how workers suffered under capitalism. He pitted workers of production because they didn’t belong to themselves. All the workers did was work for minimum wage and others got rich. Marx also believed a man should become one with the world. Socialism allows individuals to own property. However, industrial productions are managed by chosen elected governments. Socialism is also a more flexible ideology. As of 2019, no country is precisely considered to be Socilaist. However, politician Berine Sanders is considered a Democratic Socialist. As a Democratic Socialist, he believes in universal healthcare. He believes in taxing the rich more, in order to distribute wealth. He also believes in breaking apart corrupt large corporations. He believes in cancelling student and medical debt. However, Socialism can slow down the economy. It slows down the economy because there is a lack of competition. Also, many people would lose personal profits. Socialism is an ideology which represents equality. However, Socialism requires personal sacrifice. 

On the economic spectrum, there are three categories. On the left spectrum, lays Communism, which involves complete government control. In the center lays Social Democracy/Socialism, which involves some government regulations. Capitalism, on the right side, involves little to no government regulations. Both Socialism and Capitalism have government some government regulations. In a Capitalist world, a lot of competition exists. But in a Socilaist society, competition doesn’t exist. Capitalism encourages individual rights. Socialism encourages rights of a community. Both believe in labor and capital (money) keeps the economy flowing. Socialism and Capitalism have social classes. However, in a Socilaist society, the classes don’t oppress each other. Socialism would require high taxes and the economy would run slow, for awhile. Capitalism depends on the law of supply and demand. Under Socialism, poverty would be eliminated. Socialism grants the government more power than Capitalist society. Capitalism grants their citizens more power than the government. Socialism and Capitalism have similarities and differences which help their perspective economy. 

Capitalism is about ownership and competition. Socialism is about community interest and ownership by the government. Capitalism is about competition, self interest, and little government regulation. Capitalism creates a huge gap between social classes. However, it gives citizens the freedom to create their own business. They are also entitled to their own profit. On the other hand, Socialism is the opposite. Socialism equality and government regulation. Socialism tries to eliminate the gaps between social classes. Despite these differences, Socialism and Capitalism share similarities. The end goal for both is to have a prosperous economy. Both use different tactics but both can work if done correctly. The economic system is very complex but when done correctly, prosperity thrives. 

What Leadership Means to Me

Throughout the course of history, there have been many great leaders. Leaders that lead glorious battles that ended in victory. There have been leaders who were tyrants with too much power. Leadership takes skill and cleverness. Good leaders have defined morals and values that are pure. The act of leadership applies these skills for the greater good. A leader must have key character traits to be successful. A good leader is loyal to his or her people. They protect and serve, putting their lives on the line. There is no greater responsibility than a position of leadership. True leaders are not tyrannical no matter how grim circumstances may be. A genuine leader only wants the best for his people. Admittedly, a leader has to make tough decisions. The ability to make these decisions requires good judgement and rationality. These aforementioned requirements are the basic foundation for a leader.

In a perfect word all leaders would be pure and uncorrupt. There are leaders that have been corrupt in the past. In my opinion a righteous and upstanding leader has no corrupt intentions. My ideal leader would be able to make decisions without malicious intent. Malice is a quality fit for a tyrannical and corrupt dictator. A good leader would do what’s best for their people. What’s more is that leaders won’t cause harm to their people. Anything that endangers a leaders followers is a threat worth avoiding. Although, leaders can operate by themselves. It is the job of their people to make compromises as well. In times of war or danger sacrifices must be made. A leader can distinguish the pros and cons almost instantaneously. Whatever decision is made, the people must be aware. Transparency is key to leadership. 

Leadership relies on a system of trust in one individual. One brave soul leads the rest of the group to happiness. This special person must have certain virtues in order to lead. Aristotle coined the idea of the Unity of Virtues. This was an all or nothing concept of human virtues and ethics. Aristotle believed that truly good people had perfect balance of their virtues. I believe a good leader has to have this same balance. Aristotle believed that you can’t be too prideful or generous. This balance of virtues allows a leader to function at full capacity. The opposite of the concept is what creates tyrants. Leadership is about having enough firmness and generosity to lead.

Being a leader is a difficult feat to achieve. I don’t believe I could be a good leader. I say this because most people believe they would be good leaders. I think leadership takes a great amount of humility mixed with courage. Leaders need to be humble yet confident in their abilities. I think there is a select few of people able to lead. Leadership is more so a natural talent. Leadership can be faked however it wouldn’t be good for the followers. A good leader can reassure even the most conservative individuals. Persuasion is a big part of leadership. You have to convince people to follow you. You have to give people a reason to believe you can do it. It really is the people who make the leader. They weed out the good and the bad to find the real. True leadership would rarely  require fear. Fear would be a last resort for a true leader. A leader will always try to inspire hope in his people. 

To conclude, leadership is a rare accomplishment for select individuals. A specific skill set is used to determine the best leaders. The greatest leaders possess the “Unity of Virtues”. Leadership is a team effort that requires understanding and patience. Great leaders inspire their people to do better. Leadership is for the brave and courageous. People trust leaders to help guide them on the path to success. All good leaders should be appreciated. Leadership is not easy, so appreciate those willing to take the challenge.

Are Governments Necessary: Why and Why Not?

  Governments are groups of intellects, chosen to govern nations, states, or communities. Therefore, governments have existed throughout history. Different government types include monarchy, theocracy, communism, totalitarian, etc. Overall, governments are established in order to maintain order. Governments are necessary because it helps their citizens and maintain order. 

Governments are sovereignty’s which try to maintain peace and order. In the United States of America, we have a democractic government. Our government is separated into three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The Executive branch deals with the president. The Legislative branch deals with the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Judicial branch deals with the Supreme Court. These branches work as collective and share power. This process is called Checks and Balances. Governments provide security, protection, happiness, and help for the commonwealth. Protection provided from outside threats and from inside threats (crimes). Without a government we would live in an Anarchy society. Anarchy is the absence of a government which means no laws. Without no laws, citizens have no restriction and no order. Chaos would be inevitable and destruction would too. Governments are the brains of a nation. Without a brain the nation would collapse and cease to exist. Governments are vital in maintaining a thriving and fruitful society. Governments are vital and provide stability. Without stability and order, nations would perish. 

Governments are made by the people, for the people. However, not every government is made for “the people”. Governments are very intricate and difficult to manage. This means many factors are involved. In order to maintain a government, taxes must be collected. An average American pays between 10% to 37% in taxes. This money is used to fund government programs. However, these taxes restrictions limit the freedom. Taxpayers do not have control over that money. They have no say on how the money is used. Aslo, governments have not been truthful either. The government constantly lies and hides the truth. An example of this is the Vietnam War. This war was around the same time as the Cold War. The U.S. wanted to stop the spread of Communism. In 1965, President Lydon Jackson concealed the war he was launching. Around 500,000 Americans were drafted in the war. The war would cost Americans around $25 billion per year. This means that even more taxes were being enforced. The government promised that the war would be over soon but the promises were empty. More casualties were being reported everyday. The public would watch the news and watch the killings. The news showed the bodies of young soldiers in body bags. This created outrage amongst the citizens. About 58,000 soldiers were killed and protest began. Around 100,000 Americans protested to retreat the remaining soldiers. With this action the war would soon come to its end. Overall, this was changed Americans forever. The credibility of the government would now be questioned. The government lied to its people and lost their trust. Governments lie but they also should not be trusted. Many governments throughout the world are governed differently. In some cases governments are either too strict or too weak. Governments that are too strict, usually have too much power. Too much power corrupts people and turns their leadership into a dictatorship or a totalitarian government. In these types of government, the people don’t have freedom.  In some cases, the people don’t have a voice in order to bring about change. However, some people are brave enough to stand up. But many usually go missing because they are seen as a threat. An example of this is the book  1984 by Geroge Orwell. 

The main character in this book, thought differently. Everyone was brainwashed and he wasn’t. He realized that they were all living in a lie and rebelled in secret. He did and thought things that were not permitted. But he was later on discovered and taken away from society. The Party members tortured him mentally, physically, and emotionally. When he did appear he was brainwashed and praised the government he once hated. At the end he was killed. Even though this is a fictional book, many of the scenarios are realistic. The Party lied to the members and manipulated them. They used fear and hatred to manipulate the members. Similarly to what Stalin and Hilter did. This is another example of leaders who had too much power. Too much power corrupts and restricts people. Too much power and control is not good but also too little power isn’t good either. 

Weak governments don’t have control or order which causes even more chaos. They don’t have the power to govern the people.  In certain cases two different groups in one nation clash. This causes a civil war among the people. An example of this is a Civil War in the U.S. or Afghanistan. Due to a weak government the only solution to any problem is violence. Governments aren’t necessary. Governments cause more harm than good. Governments restrict our freedom and charge too much taxes. Governments lie and shouldn’t be trusted. Government has too much power that corrupts people. Overall, governments are not necessary.  

Having a government is a good and a bad thing. It can all depend on how the government is run and who has the power. The purpose of a government is to govern the people. It’s set up by the people for the people. Governments should always be for the well being of the people.  Governments can be a win or lose situation depending on how it’s structured and organized. Governments are a necessity and essential for the survival of a nation.