Are Governments Necessary: Why and Why Not?

  Governments are groups of intellects, chosen to govern nations, states, or communities. Therefore, governments have existed throughout history. Different government types include monarchy, theocracy, communism, totalitarian, etc. Overall, governments are established in order to maintain order. Governments are necessary because it helps their citizens and maintain order. 

Governments are sovereignty’s which try to maintain peace and order. In the United States of America, we have a democractic government. Our government is separated into three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The Executive branch deals with the president. The Legislative branch deals with the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Judicial branch deals with the Supreme Court. These branches work as collective and share power. This process is called Checks and Balances. Governments provide security, protection, happiness, and help for the commonwealth. Protection provided from outside threats and from inside threats (crimes). Without a government we would live in an Anarchy society. Anarchy is the absence of a government which means no laws. Without no laws, citizens have no restriction and no order. Chaos would be inevitable and destruction would too. Governments are the brains of a nation. Without a brain the nation would collapse and cease to exist. Governments are vital in maintaining a thriving and fruitful society. Governments are vital and provide stability. Without stability and order, nations would perish. 

Governments are made by the people, for the people. However, not every government is made for “the people”. Governments are very intricate and difficult to manage. This means many factors are involved. In order to maintain a government, taxes must be collected. An average American pays between 10% to 37% in taxes. This money is used to fund government programs. However, these taxes restrictions limit the freedom. Taxpayers do not have control over that money. They have no say on how the money is used. Aslo, governments have not been truthful either. The government constantly lies and hides the truth. An example of this is the Vietnam War. This war was around the same time as the Cold War. The U.S. wanted to stop the spread of Communism. In 1965, President Lydon Jackson concealed the war he was launching. Around 500,000 Americans were drafted in the war. The war would cost Americans around $25 billion per year. This means that even more taxes were being enforced. The government promised that the war would be over soon but the promises were empty. More casualties were being reported everyday. The public would watch the news and watch the killings. The news showed the bodies of young soldiers in body bags. This created outrage amongst the citizens. About 58,000 soldiers were killed and protest began. Around 100,000 Americans protested to retreat the remaining soldiers. With this action the war would soon come to its end. Overall, this was changed Americans forever. The credibility of the government would now be questioned. The government lied to its people and lost their trust. Governments lie but they also should not be trusted. Many governments throughout the world are governed differently. In some cases governments are either too strict or too weak. Governments that are too strict, usually have too much power. Too much power corrupts people and turns their leadership into a dictatorship or a totalitarian government. In these types of government, the people don’t have freedom.  In some cases, the people don’t have a voice in order to bring about change. However, some people are brave enough to stand up. But many usually go missing because they are seen as a threat. An example of this is the book  1984 by Geroge Orwell. 

The main character in this book, thought differently. Everyone was brainwashed and he wasn’t. He realized that they were all living in a lie and rebelled in secret. He did and thought things that were not permitted. But he was later on discovered and taken away from society. The Party members tortured him mentally, physically, and emotionally. When he did appear he was brainwashed and praised the government he once hated. At the end he was killed. Even though this is a fictional book, many of the scenarios are realistic. The Party lied to the members and manipulated them. They used fear and hatred to manipulate the members. Similarly to what Stalin and Hilter did. This is another example of leaders who had too much power. Too much power corrupts and restricts people. Too much power and control is not good but also too little power isn’t good either. 

Weak governments don’t have control or order which causes even more chaos. They don’t have the power to govern the people.  In certain cases two different groups in one nation clash. This causes a civil war among the people. An example of this is a Civil War in the U.S. or Afghanistan. Due to a weak government the only solution to any problem is violence. Governments aren’t necessary. Governments cause more harm than good. Governments restrict our freedom and charge too much taxes. Governments lie and shouldn’t be trusted. Government has too much power that corrupts people. Overall, governments are not necessary.  

Having a government is a good and a bad thing. It can all depend on how the government is run and who has the power. The purpose of a government is to govern the people. It’s set up by the people for the people. Governments should always be for the well being of the people.  Governments can be a win or lose situation depending on how it’s structured and organized. Governments are a necessity and essential for the survival of a nation.

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